Removal of prostate cancer with Echolaser usage in the EMC Hospital of St. Anna in Piaseczno

On 26.10.2019 at the EMC Hospital of St. Anna’s took place focal treatment of prostate cancer with Echolaser technology.
It was the first procedure in Poland and in this part of Europe to use the latest technologies to target the focus of prostate cancer using a fusion biopsy and then to destroy the focus with the help of Echolaser.

This modern method gives the opportunity to destroy tumors with millimeter accuracy, maximizing the safety of a healthy organ and ensuring safety for neighboring sensitive structures. This is a great breakthrough in the treatment of prostate cancer in a microinvasive manner.
This precise and safe procedure for patients allows for complete tumor necrosis without traditional surgical intervention.

The procedure was successful. The patient left the hospital on the same day without any complaints.

EMC Hospital of St. Anna in Piaseczno is the only one in Poland and this part of Europe which have such the advanced equipment for fusion biopsy and cancer focus removal.
Similar procedures are performed only in three other centers in the world, in Amsterdam, Geneva and Rome.



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