Treatment of thyroid nodule tumor at the Thyroid Treatment Center of the Szpital na Klinach in Krakow

At the Thyroid Treatment Center of the Szpital na Klinach in Krakow thermoablation treatments of thyroid nodules with the use of Echolaser are regularly performed.
The operations are carried out by prof. dr hab. med. Marcin Barczyński (surgeon-oncologist) and dr med. Jacek Belowski (endocrinologist).

Thanks to the use of this innovative method of removing nodular changes in the thyroid gland, patients do not require general anesthesia and hospitalization. Another advantage of this type of surgery is the lack of scars, thanks to the fact that this method is minimally invasive. During the Echolaser treatment, only nodules are removed, and the thyroid gland remains intact, which allows you to avoid the permanent intake of artificial thyroid hormones for the rest of your life. The advantages of removing nodular lesions with Echolaser are appreciated by more and more patients who willingly undergo this therapy.

More information and contact for patients interested in treatments can be found on the hospital website: https: //



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