Uterine fibroid removal surgery at the EuroMediCare Specialist Hospital in Wrocław

Statistical data shows that every fourth or fifth woman has fibroids, which are benign tumors of the uterus. When they cause troublesome symptoms and become a health hazard, surgery to remove them is recommended. Method of laser ablation with the Echolaser is non-invasive and the least burdensome to the woman  . This modern method of removing benign lesions is successfully used at the EuroMediCare Specialist Hospital in Wrocław.

Last week at the EMC hospital in Wrocław was held uterine fibroidwas removal procedure using Echolaser .
The procedure was performed by dr Tomasz Sędziak, who has extensive experience in general and oncological surgery and in the use of laser thermoablation. Dr Tomasz Sędziak has already performed about 200 Echolaser treatments at the EuroMediCare Hospital in Wrocław.

The treatment procedure lasted only about 10 minutes. Due to the fact that the method of removing nodular changes using Echolaser is micro-invasive and percutaneous, the patient felt very well right after the procedure, and the next day she left the hospital.

The main advantages of removing uterine fibroids with Echolaser are: minimal surgical intervention without opening the abdominal wall, very short procedure time, quick convalescence and high effectiveness of the procedure.



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